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Molten Iron Processes

A number of process developments were started using technology from the steel industry, typically the Klockner molten iron process (Reimert 1989) in which use is made of a molten metal. Coal is introduced through tuyeres and blown on top of a bath with molten iron that acts as a promoter for heat and mass transfer. The devel­opment of the process as a gasification technology has stopped, although further development has resulted in the HIsmelt steelmaking process.

5.8.2 Plasma Gasification

A number of processes have been or are being developed that use plasma technol­ogy to input heat into the gasification process. One such technology is the Westing — house plasma gasification process. A demonstration waste-to-energy plant has been operated in Japan, and the first commercial-scale 200 t/d plant has recently been completed, also in Japan (Dighe and Lazzara 2002). Quapp etal. (2002) describe another plasma gasification process.

These processes are in an early stage of development. They share some of the typ­ical characteristics of other high-temperature processes, namely production of an inert, vitrified slag and a tar-free synthesis gas. Efforts appear to be concentrated particularly on the gasification of medical wastes, where sterility requirements demand high-temperature processing, and the nature of the material makes the size reduction required for an entrained-flow process difficult.

5.8.3 Hydrogasification

During the 1970s and 1980s there was considerable interest in developing a process to produce synthetic natural gas by direct hydrogenation of coal to methane. The principle reaction involved is that of methanation.

C + 2H2^CH4 -75 MJ/kmol (2-6)

The thermodynamics of this reaction demand that it be operated at high pressure. Although the reaction is exothermic, the reactants must first be brought to a high temperature for the reaction to proceed at an economically acceptable rate. Further­more, any development to exploit this reaction has to consider how to integrate the production of hydrogen into the process.

In many ways, the HKV (Hydrierende Kohlevergasung) process developed by Rheinbraun for the direct hydrogenation of browncoal to methane is typical of this class of gasification process (Speich 1981). The process development unit had a throughput of 0.4 t/d raw browncoal. A pilot plant was then built for 24 t/d and went into operation in 1983. The process operates in a fluid-bed at temperatures between 850 and 930°C and pressures between 60 and 95 bar. Pressures of up to 120 bar were foreseen. Carbon conversion rates of 50-70% were achieved. The residual char is then gasified in a High Temperature Winkler gasifier (HTW; see Section 5.2) for hydrogen manufacture.

Although the pilot plant achieved the goals that had been set for it, the increasing availability of natural gas rendered the whole direction of the development superflu­ous and all such developments were stopped long before 1990.


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Chapter 6

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