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15.08.2018 Солнце в сеть

Производство оборудования и технологии

Biobased Transportation Research Funding

The Surface Transportation Research, Development, and Deployment (STRDD) Program funds activities that promote inno­vation in transportation infrastructure, services, and operations. A portion of the funding made available to the STRDD Program is set aside for the Biobased Transportation Research Program to carry out biobased research of national importance at research centers and through the National Biodiesel Board. For more information, see the STRDD Program website.

Point of Contact: Federal Highway Administration, U. S. Department of Transportation

6. Alternative Fuel and Advanced Vehicle Technology Research and Demonstration Bonds

Qualified state, tribal, and local governments may issue Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds subsidized by the U. S. Department of Treasury at competitive rates to fund capital expenditures on qualified energy conservation projects. Eligible activities include research and demonstration projects related to cellulosic ethanol and other non-fossil fuels, as well as advanced battery manufac­turing technologies. Government entities may choose to issue tax credit bonds or direct payment bonds to subsidize the borrowing costs. For information on eligibility, processes, and limitations, con­tact local issuing agencies.

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