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Производство оборудования и технологии

Companion Website

For those interested in following up on some of the ideas expressed in this book, we have set up a website, www. gasification. higman. de, which includes both programs for typical gasification calculations and a literature data bank. The content of the website at the time this book went to press covers the following:

Computer Programs

Gasify. exe performs calculations for gasification for coal, oil, and natural gas. It is an equilibrium calculation based on the information contained in Chapter 2. There is a wide selection of calculation modes, such as fixed reactant quantities with variable gasification temperature, fixed gasification temperature with variable oxygen demand, and others.

Proxult. exe will convert proximate and ultimate coal analyses between “as received” (ar), “moisture free” (mf), “ash free” (af), and “moisture — and ash-free” (maf) basis, as described in Section 4.1. Further, LHV and HHV on any basis may be converted into each other. In the absence of heat of combustion data, the heating value will be generated using the proximate and ultimate analyses.

Heatloss. exe will calculate the loss of heat in a membrane wall under different internal conditions (slagging/nonslagging) using the criteria described in Section 6.4.

Quench. exe provides a means of back-calculating the temperature at which the CO shift reaction and the C02 methane reforming reaction have frozen during cooling, as described in Section 6.8.

Viscos. exe estimates the viscosity of residual oil fractions as described in Section 4.2.1.

All these programs are executable files and can be downloaded for use by owners of this book. Help files include a fuller description of the theoretical background than contained in the book.

Literature Data Bank

The literature databank gaslit. mdb contains over 500 entries on the topic of gasifica­tion, including all the literature cited in this book. It includes titles, authors, and keywords for all papers presented at the Gasification Technologies Council Con­ferences since 1998, all the IChemE Gasification Conferences, and a number of other important sources not normally accessible to nonparticipants.

The database includes a keyword-based search facility, with up to six specified key­words per article. A gasification technology or project can be specified independently of the keyword.

A complied version of the database gaslit. exe is downloadable for those who cannot run Microsoft Access.

Legal Note

The companion website will be maintained for at least one year after the initial publication of this book. No guarantee can be made for its continued availability thereafter. We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and usability of these programs and any others that may be included on the website, but we do not assume any legal liability whatsoever for the consequences of their use.

Appendix В

Комментарии запрещены.