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15.08.2018 Солнце в сеть

Производство оборудования и технологии


It is difficult to write much about the environment without risking becoming involved in political arguments. Although we have made no attempt anywhere in this book to disguise our views on energy policy matters, it is not our purpose here to propagate such views. This book is being written to convey the basic facts about gasification so that readers may develop their own ideas from the facts or use them in the shaping of a gasification project, should they already be involved in one.

Every country and many provinces or states have their own environmental regula­tions, so no general guidelines can be formulated that have universal application in detail. Important trends can, however, be observed from various countries, and reference will be made to these in the course of this section. Most environmental legislation can be grouped by the phase from which the pollutants have to be removed—gaseous, liquid, or solid. This section on the environmental impact of a gasification project will be grouped along the same lines.

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