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Sulfuric Acid

An alternative outlet for sulfur to the production of merchant sulfur is sulfuric acid. This is particularly interesting in locations where there is significant production of phosphate fertilizers, such as Florida, where the Polk IGCC unit processes its acid gas to sulfuric acid rather than sulfur. Other examples can be found in ammonia plants, which have formed the core of complex fertilizer production sites in Portugal and China, for example.

Wet Catalysis

Processing H2S to sulfuric acid differs from conventional acid plants (whether using sulfur or metallurgical off gases as feed) in that water is already present in the converter. This water reacts immediately with the S03 formed there and therefore demands a totally different approach to the recovery of liquid acid compared with a standard double absorption unit.

The H2S component of the acid gas is first combusted with excess oxygen to form S02 and water (see Figure 8-18). The excess is selected to produce a 02/S02 ratio in the hot gas of between 1.1 and 1.3. The hot combustion gases are cooled in a waste — heat boiler to a converter inlet temperature of 440°C. The S02 and oxygen react over a vanadium catalyst according to the reaction

S02+1/202<—>S03 (8-6)

and the water reacts with S03 as follows

S03 + H20<—>H2S04 (8-7)

The converter uses interbed quenching with cold air to control the temperature increase arising from these exothermic reactions. Depending on the feed gas quality, three or four catalyst beds are included.

Since the acid is already present in the gas phase leaving the converter, this is recovered by condensing at about 60°C. In a classic wet catalysis plant, the product is a 78% acid, below the 80-90% range that is critical for corrosion. The condensation is achieved by recycling this product acid to the condensation tower in a manner designed to minimize formation of acid aerosols. A candle filter is provided to remove any aerosols that are formed. If there is insufficient water in the gas leaving

Figure 8-18. Wet Catalysis Sulfuric Acid Plant (With permission: Lurgi)

the converter, then make-up water is added to keep the acid strength at 78%—out of the corrosive range.

Advanced wet catalysis processes such as Concat (Lurgi) or WSA (Topspe) are able to produce 93-98% strength acid, even with very weak feed gases and excess water. Concat achieves this, for example, by using a two-stage condensation section, the first of which operates at 180-230°C so that a minimum of free water is present in the condensate, which is already about 93% H2S04.


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Chapter 9

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