Карта сайта
- Категория: Vergasungstechnik (continued)
- Категория: Wood gas as engine fuel
- Preface
- Background
- The present case for wood gasifiers
- Overview of the contents of this publication
- What to expect from a wood gasifier system
- Chapter 2 - Small wood and charcoal gasifiers for operation. of internal combustion engines
- Fuelling of engines by producer gas
- Possibilities of using producer gas with different types of engines
- Engine power output using producer gas
- Maximizing the power output in producer-gas operation
- Resulting power output
- Use of Stirling engines or gas turbines with producer gas
- Theory of gasification
- Prediction of the gas composition
- . Gasifier efficiency
- Types of gasifiers
- Downdraught or co-current gasifiers
- Cross-draught gasifier
- Fluidized bed gasifier
- Gasification fuels
- Energy content of the fuel
- Moisture content of the fuel
- Volatile matter content of the fuel
- Ash content and ash chemical composition
- Reactivity of the fuel
- Particle size and size distribution
- Bulk density of the fuel
- Assessment of the suitability of various types of biomass as gasifier fuel
- Design of downdraught gasifiers
- Processes occurring in the down-draught gasifier
- Design guidelines for downdraught gasifiers
- Gas cleaning and cooling
- Cleaning dust from the gas
- Gas cooling
- Applications of biomass gasification
- Production of mechanical or electrical power in stationary installations
- Mobile applications
- Health and environmental hazards associated with the use of producer gas
- Fire hazards
- Explosion hazards
- Environmental hazards
- Chapter 3 - Recent Swedish experiences with operation of. vehicles on wood and charcoal gas
- Overview of development work and testing carried out at the national machinery testing institute
- Gasifier for wood chips
- Fibre glass fabric filter system
- Conversion of diesel engines to producer gas operation
- Tests with different fuels